For this, aspects such as: government, organization of the service, management, continuous improvement, responsiveness to citizens.
And as a complement to this self-assessment tool, the Association of Registrars has prepared a " Guide to good practices in data protection ". It is also free, and can be accessed and downloaded from the College of Registrars website.
The purpose of this document is to help implement and improve centralized data protection services . Among other aspects, the guide addresses compliance with state and European data protection regulations (LOPDGDD, RGPD), as well as the opinions, guides and resolutions of the competent Control Authorities.
Expert support for your data protection
Data protection management is still a nuisance for any freelancer Gaming Pc or SME, a mandatory but secondary task that should not divert you from your main tasks.
So in order not to waste more time than necessary with it and to avoid unnecessary sanctions for doing things wrong, we recommend that you have the support of a specialist.
For this, Infoautonomos offers, in collaboration with a specialized company, a service to adapt your business to the GDPR regulations and thus comply with data protection regulations at a very reasonable price.One of the biggest responsibilities of the self-employed revolves around their tax obligations . Unlike those who work for someone else, whose employer is responsible for paying their contributions to Social Security, the self-employed must make this contribution themselves.
For this reason, it is important that they can know their debts to stay up to date and avoid late fees or penalties .
The Electronic Office has made an online tool available to taxpayers through which you can review your debts and carry out other procedures before the RETA . We tell you a little more.
Online consultation with Social Security is not exclusive to the self-employed, but is aimed at citizens in general and legal entities.